Troubleshooting Guide

Change to the Project Directory

cd /home/websites/atlas/system

Realtime Logs

Realtime logs can be viewed by running pm2 monit. Errors will be shown in the atlas-system- services.

Logs for a particular services can be viewed by running pm2 logs <service name>. Get a list of current services by running pm2 list.

Log files

Log files for the services are located in the 3###/logs folder.

Restarting Services

Services can be restarted by running pm2 restart <service name>. Get a list of current services by running pm2 list.


Test a nginx config by running nginx -t.

Reload nginx after config changes by running nginx -s reload.

Nginx logs are generally found in /var/log/nginx/. Here are a few useful commands for viewing them:

tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log
tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log

No pm2 services after a reboot

Most likely pm2 is not set to load after a reboot. You can run pm2 resurrect; pm2 save to get the jobs back, then run pm2 startup to make them reload after a reboot.