Getting Started!

In just a few minutes you can have Atlas Library web app running on your computer.

Required Tools

There are a few build tools required to get started. The .Net version of Atlas Library is intended to run on Windows PC’s that are connected to a domain.

Visual Studio Code
Due to version conflicts in Visual Studio, the webapp is now developed in Visual Studio Code, and the ETL developed in Visual Studio 2017. Unfortunately later versions of Visual Studio do not yet include SQL Server Integration Services.

Clone the project form GitHub into a new Visual Studio Code project using the clone url:

IE11 Support
Versions of Atlas > 3.14 do not fully support Internet Explorer 11. If you plan to use IE11 you can install from the dedicated IE11 branch

razor component

Create a file called web/appsettings.cust.Development.json with a database connection string. Localdb is an easy way to get started. For a production website you should use a database on a real instance of sql server.

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "AtlasDatabase": "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=atlas_test;Trusted_Connection=True"
razor component

Next, install the dependencies. Open a powershell terminal session in VS Code.

npm install
razor component

Then, migrate the database. This command will build the application and then create/update the database with all the tables needed. A lot of green and white text will print out… finally telling you “Done.”!

npm run db:update
razor component

Finally, start the website. This command will build all the resources needed to start the site. It will open a browser automatically. After the browser opens give it a few more seconds to finish initializing .Net, then refresh the browser. You will see lot of white and purple text coming from Hangfire and EntityFramework when the app is ready to roll.

npm start

# alternatively, if you would like to run a a dev saml and solr instance
npm run dev
razor component

You should see yourself logged in as an admin with a name Guest! Next you can run the ETL’s to load in some report data!

razor component
Debugging in Visual Studio Code
To monitor breakpoints in VS Code press f5 to connect to the running site.